This interactive quiz drove thousands of organic touchpoints — and countless event registrations
One year into the COVID-19 pandemic, “Zoom fatigue” was at an all-time high. While people flocked to virtual events in the early stages, once everything — events, conferences, even day-to-day meetings and conversations — shifted to digital, interest started to wane.
As the ongoing social media partner for Adobe Summit, Stoke recognized the importance of creating engaging, on-demand experiences for prospective attendees — touchpoints that would draw Adobe customers into the Summit experience early on and keep them leaned in, ready to learn more.
While Adobe Summit curates content for senior leaders and offers themed tracks tailored to different job functions, many attendees want to fully customize their schedules. For example, while an attendee may be responsible for content creation or analytics in their current role, they may also be interested in learning more about e-commerce or no-code development.
To help attendees create their perfect Summit schedules — and to build buzz leading up to the event — we built a quiz titled, “What kind of Experience Maker are you?” After answering nine multiple-choice questions, quiz-takers received an overview of their primary and secondary Experience Maker “types” including strengths, weaknesses, and unique attributes. Results also included recommendations for targeted sessions and workshops based on their quiz responses and region (Americas, EMEA, or APAC).
The quiz featured custom illustrations representing each of the Experience Maker types, creating a dynamic backdrp for the quiz experience and supporting social assets.
By building in this added layer of content curation — and packaging it in a fun, interactive format — we nudged prospective attendees to explore sessions they may not have considered and, more importantly, to register for the event.
The quiz was shared organically through the Adobe Summit Facebook page and Adobe Experience Cloud LinkedIn page. Tens of thousands of people were exposed to the branded quiz and more than 8,000 completed the nine questions. Thousands of quiz-takers also opted to share their “type” through social media, organically increasing reach and impact.