Qolsys Video









01 The Project

Qolsys is a maker of home automation hardware and software. We created this video to help launch their newest product, the IQ2, which serves as the hub for a modern smart home.

Video work showing light controls feature of smart home hub with line pointer design and text overlaid on kitchen photo
Video work showing thermostat feature with photo of a thermostat on the wall accompanied with line pointer design and text overlay
Video work showing mom looking at her phone with designed pointer line art and text overlay pop up showing her son Jake disarmed the system
Video work showing man and woman with sunflowers and field as a background, with home security line art and text overlaid
Video work closeup of the smart home hub interface showing all of the controls and features using pointer line art and icon overlays
Video work showing view of smart home hub on the wall being used to adjust the thermostat by a modern woman
Video work showing an arial view of the entire house representing the smart home hub systems concept
Video work showing the front door view of the house representing the smart home hub systems concept